(I asked this earlier but I am going to ask again, I think I asked too late last night to get answers) At any rate-
My midwife just told me about using Evening Primrose Oil Capsules (inserted inside of me) to help thin me out and possibly induce labor (I'm 80% effaced 2 cm dilated as of Wednesday). Has anyone tried this and how many capsules (500mg) did you use? Thanks...
btw: I'm 40w4d pregnant and I am at my wits end on how to get this ball rolling.... I have been walking, running up and down stairs, intimacy, pineapple, acupressure.... So I am pretty much ready to give anything (except castor oil) a shot... I am starting to believe that all the things people have told me to induce labor is just a bunch of B*S, am I correct in assuming this? LOL...This is soooo frustrating!!!!!!!!! I want him OUT!
Evening Primrose Oil To Induce Labor?
Ok.. EPO capsules will help thin your cervix, though I've never heard of them being inserted vaginally before... I'll have to remember that one.
lets see.. Intamacy only works if you BOTH climax.
Castor Oil works, as does anything that causes cramping or vomiting, though most of those things are bad for you, and the baby.
You can use castor oil topically, rather than internally, for a much more gentle effect.
I've had moms who swear by spicy food, and one who swears by MANGO.
It is possible that baby is just not positioned right. Try
http://www.spiningbabies.com for positioning help. Ask your midwife about this site.
Really though, the only thing that helps is time. Get as much rest as you can now, because you'll need it later.
Congratulations, and good luck! (and have someone post when your little one arrives!)
Reply:I can relate to your feeling of being "done", but remember that is still completely normal to go two weeks before or AFTER the estimated due date, as long as everything is ok with you and the baby.
With that said, EPO, can have amazing results because it works as a prostiglandin which will further soften your cervix and also help the baby engage into your pelvis, putting pressure on the cervix and helping it open. It seems like the norm is two capsules via suppository before bed.
gentlebirth.org has some great info! As a doula, i direct my clients there often.
Reply:Is this your first baby? They're usually late. Are you 100 percent sure on the dates? I know, first hand that being huge and overdue is frustrating, but have heard mixed messages about herbs during labor, and pregnancy. Your midwife most likely knows what she's talking about, but you will not be pregnant forever, I promise. I would just keep doing what you're doing with the walking, nipple stimulation...you're allready on your way, just try to be patient.
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