Monday, February 13, 2012

HELP - This is the longest pregnancy!!!?

I am 39 weeks pregnant with my 4th baby. I have had my other 3 children 2-3 weeks early.

My baby is very low causing extreme pressure pains. I feel like I have had the baby already as I feel so very bruised down below and at times it feels like her head is just there waiting to be pulled out....Thats how low she feels.

I have done so much walking, sex, hot curries and am currently drinking red raspberry leaf tea and having evening primrose oil daily to help with labour.

Has anyone got any other safr suggestions in helping her enter the world. My Doctor and midwife are both expecting a fairly large baby.....over 9lb. OUCH

HELP - This is the longest pregnancy!!!?
She'll come when she's ready, and trying to force her come before isn't going to be healthy for either of you, and will risk complications.

I know it's tough, but you CAN do it... women have been doing it since the beginning of time!

She may just need more time to bake. All pregnancies are different (and since you're on number 4, you should know!). You can manage it.
Reply:Next dr appt, ask them to strip your membranes. Its safe, and usually starts labor within 24 hours.
Reply:Ouch is right..........I wish you and the baby the very best of everything...........Are you sure your date of conception was figured correctly????...........39 weeks does seem too long.....From what you've said about how low the baby is I would think it should be almost any time now...........Don't knock yourself out with all that you're doing.........Save some of that strength for when the time comes...........CAT
Reply:a term pregnancy is 40 weeks and many women can go up to 42 weeks before they induce. you can tell your doctor you want to induce your pregnancy, it is a fairly common practice these days. I guess its kind of like watching a pot of water boil... i bet you have heard of that old wives tale. i suggest you stop what your doing to try to get her to come, its probably only making her wait longer. if you are doing these things consistently then your body may be use to the effects and not respond. just wait it out, i know your uncomfortable but its gonna happen. try some pelvic tilts or lying on the floor with your feet agains the wall and knees at a ninety degree angle to help with some of the pain (especially if its lower back pain). baby could be in a weird presentation and she is trying to get in position, you never know. good luck and just wait it out. When my mother had her 4th child she swore it was the worst labor ever and if that baby had been the first she never would have had anymore (oh and she did it natural all 4 times). It just goes to show each pregnancy is different. Try to be patient and good luck again.
Reply:Seriously,I know the last couple of weeks seem like months.but your baby will arrive when he/she is ready.And if not the doctor wont let you go too far past your due date.I was 11 days over with my first,and 5 days over with my second.It does get uncomfortable at the end,but its worth it,isnt it?Good luck.
Reply:Well I can identify with you...but do you know how lucky you are to have any early? I was always two weeks late, and I tried walking for blocks, and everything I could think of...nothing worked...the baby was not coming until it was ready.

Also had two over nine was the first baby which was not fun....but you have had several so It "should " go easier....and if the others were early yours should be coming anytime!


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