Monday, February 13, 2012

Help for menstrual pain?

I have tried evening primrose oil w/ little success. The older I get, the worse it gets. I have heavy flow with large clots, ugh! I can't take birth control pills. I have a I've been prescribed muscle relaxers, they work really well but I'd rather not take them %26amp; use something natural.

Thanks for any help!

Help for menstrual pain?
HI Pollyanna

You have me as a contact and Id like to assist you here on this question. This herbal remedy has done wonders for women. His paragraph explaining his herbal remedy below.

While running my clinic I have seen many women who became incapable of normal functioning, both physically and emotionally, because of puberty, PMS, menopause and hormonal imbalance. This formula has been a lifesaver for them. Besides the obvious health benefits of hormonal balancing, many saved their marriages, their families, their careers and their sanity by using this formula.

I used this herbal formula in my clinic with tremendous success. It regulates and balances female hormones during puberty, PMS and menopause and alleviates symptoms such as menstrual cramps, headaches, sensitive breasts, mood swings, anxiety, insomnia, irritability, depression, anger, nervousness, water retention/bloating, weight gain, hot flashes, hair loss and dry vaginal tissue.

It regulates and normalizes the menstrual cycle and relieves associated menstrual problems. It increases fertility and sexual desire and calms the nerves. It is a powerfully effective overall female tonic. Called Female Formula.

Im a student of this teacher and would like to assist you with your issue. (

Best of health to you

Reply:Taking a prescription dose of ibuprofen can really help. Ibuprofenreduces the pain, but it can also reduce heavy bleeding. It does this by inhibiting prostaglandins, which play a role in heavy menstrual bleeding.

For maximum benefit, start taking it a couple days before your period is due (though I never remember to do that and still get lots of benefit)

It really helps me! Studies show it can reduce bleeding by 30%. I think it works even better than that for me. It's still quite heavy at times, but managable.

It's important to keep taking the ibuprofen at regular intervals.

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