Monday, February 13, 2012

39 weeks, what do i do?

I am 39 weeks, am 1 cm dialated, almost 75% effaced and have lost my mucous plug... my body hurts so bad from carrying this huge baby and im so swollen it hurts to be touched... I am already taking evening primrose oil, my husband and i are having sex as often as we can and i know anything left that i can do... I know everyone takes castor oil, but i really dont want explosive diarreah and abdominal cramps on top of everything else... what do i do?

39 weeks, what do i do?
Hang in there! It's rough, I know, My baby is just now 1 month old so I can clearly remeber how bad the last couple of weeks were. I applaud all your efforts, especially sex at this stage. I was way to tired for that and I really don't think it helps all that much. Basically I believe that if the baby hasn't decided to come yet then it's cause it's not time. right now their brain is developing, don't you want them to have all the time they need for that?

Unless of course there is medical reason to induce, such as high blood pressure or diabetes you should just take it easy and get all the sleep you can cause soon, you'll forget what sleep felt like.
Reply:If I were you I'd either beg my doctor to induce me and get me out of my misery, or seek the help of a massage therapist. There a couple of pressure points on your body that can bring on contractions if you push on them. You might be able to find more information about it in a book at your library if there isn't a massage therapist near you. Good luck. I hope your baby comes soon!
Reply:Try Castor Oil.

And then maybe you can try cleaning...I know lthis sounds crazy, but it worked for me. All of the up and down movement seems to naturally induce. Good Luck sweetie and I hope that you feel better and that your baby comes soon.

I feel for you, but hang in there ...soon you will have a brand new life to love !
Reply:I feel for you too! All I can tell you is if you've lost your mucous plug, it really SHOULD be soon! I would walk, a lot if you can stand it (helps the baby come down)! Then have sex again, if you can stand it (the prostaglandins in the semen will only help get things started if your cervix is ready). I agree with you to avoid the castor oil. I tried that and all I got was a lot of the wrong king of abdominal pain! If this is your first baby, it can take a while longer, but your body is definitely working, so hang in there!
Reply:RELAX! And thank God for where you are today. You are the fortunate few - ask those who do not have this pleasure of life!

Count your blessings my Dear. You are the chosen one!
Reply:you can wait it out thats the only thing that you can do for now or im sure that you can go see your OB/GYN on monday and ask to be induced
Reply:hey sweetie i feel for you , go for awalk, have your husband take you for a ride on the most bumpiest road he can find , it helped me. i have had 3 and it worked everytime. good luck sweetie.
Reply:Rest as much as you possibly can; you'll be waking up every hour or two to care for a newborn child in a week or so. Poor moms-to-be are always trying to get the baby out when they should just be resting and letting their babies grow and develop to their fullest before being born. Stop trying to flush your baby out and take a break for once!
Reply:You should reat for a long time thats what i would suggest!
Reply:Follow your doctor's instructions, and try not to take anything,unless prescribed by your doctor.You want to make sure your baby is healthy and safe.Good luck!

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