Monday, February 13, 2012

..consider ye, the lilies of the field" What think of this beautiful imagery"?

Ref Matt 6:24-33

Luke12:20-32 Do we not need "to smell the coffee" on Global Warming? I have a doggie whom I take walking on the seaside and along the foothills. I marvel at his doggie ways, ever so nature-full; sniff here, sniff there..he does his diggy-dog" routine playfully on the beach...he needs to know nothing about ice ages or the profound demarkation twixt ocean and land.

I think of the chilly March morning and the primroses on the sheltered sunny far away from fields of war and conflict..whoof! they fliker ,shake and shivver on the piercing breeze and yet he happily sniffs .. I know there is a purpose.. all this incidental take for granted beauty,, Are you moved?

..consider ye, the lilies of the field" What think of this beautiful imagery"?
I understand.
Reply:God truly has a way with words
Reply:I feel the same way.

Love and blessings Don
Reply:Sorry, but I don't see it as good imagery but rather an allegory that inspires people to stop taking responsibility for their own situation in life. It suggest that you don't have to work for anything because the Lord always provides for his followers. This is perhaps the single most irking tenet of the Christian philosophy to the atheist crowd here on R%26amp;S, predestination and rationalization. "My life sucks", oh well, "God has a plan for me and it will get better" which would interfere with the natural response of "Gee, I'd better improve my education to become more employable" or "I need to examine my actions and see what I can do to be more effective".

In this single allegory, Jesus seems to say "Don't work, don't take care for yourself and don't worry, faith in me will clothe and feed you". I hope Christians on this site could see and perhaps even appreciate how that attitude would be worrisome to someone who fevrently believes that you are following a made up and contrived philosophy.

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