Monday, January 30, 2012

What say ye of the weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth that awaits you down the primrose path of perdition?

Only this: can we bring our camcorders?

What say ye of the weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth that awaits you down the primrose path of perdition?
Indeed. Thanks. Report It
Reply:I am tired.
Reply:HORRIBLE I SAY..............
Reply:Meesa no liking da crunchin! Islam isa BOMB BAD!
Reply:I would say it's time to make a you turn...NMT

Primrose? There are primroses on the path to perdition? Which kind? malacoides, obconica, or one of the others?
Reply:No thanks two divorces was enough.
Reply:I am sorry for those who will be doing it. By God's mercy, I will not be one of them.
Reply:OH not me, for I am a Christian, my destiny awaits in Heaven. Where Angels will be singing Gods praises, no gnashing of teeth where I'm headed.
Reply:Plain and simple I expect we are going to look back on our life with a profound disappointment for the energy and emotion we put into some irrelevant things. We are going to really have a good view of just how much time we have wasted, and what more we could have accomplished.

I think we will be wailing realizing who is not with us and how we didn't work harder to share the Good news.
Reply:I'd say you're a pessimist, and the glass is half empty!
Reply:I say NO! (I don't like woe)
Reply:Show it to me and I'll let you know what I think about it.
Reply:I haven't found any weeping, wailing etc far the path looks pretty good.
Reply:It doesn't await me! I have better plans.
Reply:Sounds like fun.
Reply:I honestly do not think that waits for me. I believe I will be in Heaven at that time when others are wailing.
Reply:Enjoy your fairy tales...I prefer to not live my life according to any cult's mythology.
Reply:You should have gotten into song writing. Do you mind if I steal the Primrose Path of Perdition from you?
Reply:you cant scare me into believing something i know is fantasy
Reply:1. Primroses? How nice. Love that smell.

2. Gnashing of teeth? Wow. The orthodontists will have a field day in perdition.

3. What say I? I say bring it. See, perdition is a place for sinners, and is an eternity of...guess what? That's right: Sin.
Reply:Not my path. I stay on the high road. Headed for the mountain top. Where the air is clean, the wind is quiet and sky is blue. A clear, clean Rocky Mountain stream will chill a bottle of Mead in about 10 minutes!

Blessed Be..... ; )
Reply:Can you hold on until I get my thesaurus?
Reply:thou hast got to be shitting me
Reply:Aw cripes...just bring it on! After the day I had, that's a walk in the park!
Reply:This is a grave warning to arrogant people.
Reply:Your prose is as pathetic as your questions.

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