Friday, January 27, 2012

Have any of you got pregnant from taking evening Primrose oil or Vitex??

My husband and I are trying to conceive and I want to use natural fertility enhancers and was wondering out of these two did any of you or anyone you know get pregnant from taking this and how long did you take it before you found out you were pregnant. Thanks in advance.

Have any of you got pregnant from taking evening Primrose oil or Vitex??

When trying to conceive it is very important to drink lots of water about 8-10 cups a day. This helps to "clean out" your system and helps to increase fertile quality cervical fluid. Also, it′s a good habit to begin for pregnancy - when drinking a lot of water is imperative.


In order to conceive pregnant sperm must enter the vagina, pool in the cervix, join with an "egg" and attatch to the uterus creating an embryo. Orgasm helps to increase the chances of conception. Orgasm increases the blood-flow to the reproductive organs helping them to function better. Orgasm also helps the cervix to "suck" up sperm in the vagina, thus helping the sperm to reach the awaiting egg.

*Note: Conception is possible without female orgasm - it just increases the chances of conception occuring.

The Lifespan of an Egg

An egg is released from the ovaries once each month in the menstrual cycle. The egg will only live for a short 12 to 24 hours. The window for conception to occur is very narrow and it is imperative that the sperm be waiting for the egg once it is released.

When To Test

Given the fact that implantation normally takes place from 7 to 10 days after ovulation - an extremely sensitive test can give a positive test result 1 day after implantation. Most directions say that you can test on the day your cycle is due. However you can test much earlier if you can pinpoint ovulation and possible implantation. I received a positive test result 4 days before my menstural cycle was due.


In order to effectively chart your fertility signs, you will need a good chart. You can download your chart from a number of websites, such as or you can make your own. If you buy a brand new basal body thermometer, the package should contain a blank one you can copy. Or you can purchase a book such as Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler and copy the charts in the back of her book.

Prenatal Vitamins

It′s important to start prenatal vitamins while you are trying to conceive. It gets you in a good habit and the folic acid in prenatals help to prevent certain birth defects. Prenatal vitamins also contain a good amount of calcium and iron which are beneficial in pregnancy.


While trying to conceive it′s very important to maintain proper nutrition. Eat healthy portions from all the food groups everyday and avoid excess sugars and fat. Especially be sure to get plenty of calcium to maintain healthy bones and to help build a healthy baby.

A False Negative

The chances of receiving a false negative test result is greater than that of a false positive. The reasons for a false negative are that your body may not be producing enough hCG for that particular test to detect. Some women have gone as long as 17 days post ovulation before receiving a positive home pregnancy test result.


If you′ve received a false positive on a home pregnancy it is one of two things. 1. The hpt was faulty.

2. You were indeed pregnant and suffered an early miscarriage (chemical pregnancy) - one that occurs around the time the menstrual cycle is due.

Pre-Pregnancy Exam

Before you start trying to conceive you should schedule a pelvic exam. Your doctor will give you a pap smear as well as check for an abonormalities in a regular exam of the uterus and ovaries. Tell them you are planning on getting pregnant and ask them about a prescription for prenatal vitamins.

The Recommendation Of Checking the Cervix

The cervical position can show where you in your cycle. However there is a small danger in checking the cervix. Some doctors say it can introduce germs and can cause infections if the cervix is checked too often. If you wish to check the cervical position be sure to thoroughly wash your hands prior to the check. There are many women who use this particular sign every month to help them pinpoint where they are in their menstrual cycle.


It is beneficial to take at least 50 mg (up to 200 mg) of vitamin B6 daily - all cycle long. I saw great results with just 63 mg of the B6 a day.

As with any supplement, be sure to seek the advise of your physican before starting a new regimen.

Day 14 Myth

A lot of people assume that women automatically ovulate on day 14 of their cycle. This is not true. Women can ovulate as early as day 6 and as late as day 30 or later. Many factors affect ovulation - hormones, stress, health, etc. Through proper fertility charting you can pinpoint the exact day of ovulation.

Discovering Anovulation

Anovulation can be discovered through charting. If your temperatures never show a rise and if they are very irratic you are anovulatory. Cervical fluid and cervical position can be all over the place as well.

Sperm Facts

Sperm can live up to 5 days inside the fallopian tubes. Female sperm are slower and live longer than the fast male sperm.

Breaking Bad Habits

Breaking bad habits while trying to conceive is important. Quit smoking, drinking alcohol, and limit your intake of caffine. These things can greatly harm a developing fetus.


Eating foods rich in calcium is important to maintain healthy bones in both you and your developing baby. Dairy foods contain maximum amounts of calcium. If you are unable to eat dairy foods, take a calcium supplement.


Ultrasound exams are given on the day of the luetenizing hormone (LH) surge. The ultrasound determines the thickness of the uterine lining, the follicle development and the condition of the ovaries and uterus. This is often when endometriosis is first diagnosed.

Postcoital Test

A postcoital test is done soon after having intercourse. The doctor obtains a sample of the cervical fluid. This is to determine if the sperm can survive in your cervical fluid. The test is performed just prior to ovulation.

Low Estrogen

A possible indicator of low estrogen could be if your pre-ovulation temperatures are on the high side. Estrogen will normally cause the basal body temperature to be low. Another indication of estrogen is the quality of cervical fluid around ovulation. Estrogen will help the body to produce more of the fertile quality cervical fluid.

Natural Remedies of Anovulation

The herb Vitex and Dong Quai can help to regulate hormones thus bringing on ovulation. It′s extremely important not to take these with any other medications - as they can react. ALWAYS seek the advice of your physician before taking any new supplement. Evening Primrose Oil can help with producing fertile quality cervical fluid (a symptom of anovualtion) and vitamin B6 can help to lengthen the luteal phase.

Charting Every Day

If you are charting your fertility signs, be sure to chart every day. While it is not fully necessary to take your temperature on the days of menstruation, it is a good idea to go ahead and keep in the habit of temping every morning. Make a habit every day to run down the list and mark it off of your chart - temperature, cervical fluid, cervical position and any variations you need to record.

Normal Pre-Ovulation Temperatures

Every woman is different, so is her basal body temperature (BBT). What is normal for one may indicate a problem for another. Normally, pre-ovulation BBT′s are in the 96.0 F to 98.0 F range.

Progesterone Cream

If you have a luteal phase defect - using progesterone cream from ovulation to menstruation/pregnancy will help to lengthen the luteal phase. Use an all-natural progesterone cream (I recommend Happy PMS Cream) 1/4-1/2 teaspoon twice a day rubbed on inner thighs, belly, chest, arms, neck - alternating areas each application. The cream is safe to use when early pregant.
Reply:Didn't you already ask this? I will answer again :o)

Evening Primrose Oil (EPO) softens the cervix and allows for the sperm to pass more readily through the cervical opening. It has been proven to help in sperm transmission from vagina to uterus - but, if you are having issues ovulating, it won't help that much.

Ways to increase your ovulation, better your 'vaginal hospitality' to sperm, and increase positive mucosa are: red clover, partridge berry, and liferoot. These are available at most health foods stores or herbal/holistic stores. In combination with EPO, they can be very effective.

It helped a friend of mine get pregnant, good luck!
Reply:Try the book, Taking Charge of Your Fertility, by Toni Weschler. I've used Evening Primrose Oil to help with cramps during my period!
Reply:Eat spinach. Seriously, I couldn't conceive for 6 years and now when I was done trying I went on this diet and ate sooo much spinach. Funny thing, I was just low in iron so now I'm pregnant and really NOT EXPECTING!
Reply:i would say do not use anything naturally until you have been trying for at least 6 months.. trying things out can actually mess with your cycle.

if you reach a year then go see doc for some natural ways..if your over 35 see a doc in 6 months..

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