Monday, January 30, 2012

Is it safe to keep taking supplements like B-Complex, Evening Primrose and Vit C whilst pregnant?

As a midwife, I agree with dreamer on the evening primrose, although I would not advise taking it prior to the 36th week - 34 is a bit early for me.

It's fine to take the others, although as a rule I say don't take mega-doses. Of the B's and C the main concern would be niacin. Too much is not good!

A good well-balanced vitamin is best. I like a separate mineral supplement since minerals, especially calcium, can interfere with absorption of other vitamins.

Is it safe to keep taking supplements like B-Complex, Evening Primrose and Vit C whilst pregnant?
i wouldnt think it would hurt as long as you take your pre-natal also.of course you need to ask your OB about taking them together.ya know just in case. better safe than sorry with an innocent life! and congrats
Reply:not evening primrose that is used as a natrual thing to induce labor. so if you use it midwives recommend starting a supplement of evening primrose oil during the 34th week of pregnancy. You can start by taking one or two 500 mg capsules every day. When you reach 38 weeks, you can begin taking up to four capsules of evening primrose oil every daybut vit c and b complex it ok, i take them all in a pregnancy vit which is about 6 different vits in one, used during pregnancy and for breast feeding. but large doses of some vitamins can be harmful
Reply:b-complex can help with nausea, my doctor actually prescribed it when I was pregnant with my first. Vitamin C can help boost both your babies and your immune system. Any extra vitamin c is simply urinated out it doesn't hurt. Evening Primrose like already stated can induce labor so I would avoid that one. YOu should also be taking iron and a good multi-vitamin or prenatal.
Reply:I think its best to switch to pregnancy vitamins as they contain all the vitamins you and your baby need. GOOD LUCK!!!
Reply:I would say a big NO on that, the only medication you should be taking is iron tablets..
Reply:vitamin c helps with nausea and u should also be on a prenatal muti-vitamin

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