Monday, January 30, 2012

How can i get my cervix to dialate?

i have heard of alot of women taking primrose oil... where can i get it at? at a drug store? does it work?

How can i get my cervix to dialate?
The best way to bring on labor is to do it naturally. Your cervix will dialate on its own when the baby gets into position to come down. Go to a safe place and just walk walk walk. Walk slow, but walk. Get down on your hands and knees and scrub the floor. Then get up and walk again. If you get in the natural positions to help the baby align to come out, labor will start sooner and more natural.
Reply:I have tried primrose oil capsules, it does not dilate your cervix it helps soften your cervix. They can be bought over the counter at any drug store. I bought mine at Wal-Mart. They can be taken orally or used in suppository form. As far as I can hasn't worked for me and I have been using the capsules for about 3 weeks now. Sex is my only other suggestion.
Reply:My midwife suggested using evening primrose oil about four weeks before the expected due date. Your partner is supposed to take a small amount and massage your vaginal area, gently pushing down so as to start stretching things out.

We did it but I can't say for sure that it helped or didn't. My labours were both short and sweet but I did tear both times so who really knows about these things?

It won't hurt so try it if you want to, but I wouldn't count on it to make a huge difference.

I think I bought it at a drugstore!
Reply:Sex will help, as long as the man ejaculates. The sperm contains prostaglandins that cause the cervix to soften, encouraging dilation. Other options are spicy or greasy foods, loooong walks (gravity does it's job!), mopping the floor or vacuuming, nipple stimulation. Good luck!

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