Monday, February 13, 2012

TTC and nursing?

I'd like to conceive soon, but I willbe nursing for quite some time yet. My daughter is nearly 11 months old now, and we will be breastfeeding until she decides to wean herself. Anyways, I'd still like to become pregnant, but I haven't gotten my period yet. I know you can still ovulate without having a period. What I need to know is if there is any natural ways to increase my chances of conceiving? I heard that Evening Primrose Oil can work, and I've been taking it for a couple of months. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

TTC and nursing?
I'm in the same boat! There is a TTC while nursing thread on MDC. Also, has some info.

The only thing i can find is to drastically change nursing patterns. Supposedly, the sudden change of sleeping through the night (which my little guy has yet to do) or starting solids (which wasn't very sudden for us) can jump start your period.

I have been consittering day-weaning my guy... my big problem is naptime. I wouldn't suggest that for a 11 month old though... she still needs to nurse alot.

Other than that, we've just been having alot of sex. I figure it will happen when it happens. Alot of moms i've talked to have reported getting thier cycle back around 17-18 mo... and my little guy is 16 months... so hopefully I will catch the first egg and never even get my period. That would be awesome!

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