Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I am one week overdue and planning a home birth...?

My first baby was a week early.

With this baby i have tried everything, rasberry leaf tea, primrose oil, black cohosh and blue cohosh, sex , spicy food, acupuncute, reflexology, shiatsu and membrane sweep.

My midwife has exhamined me and told me that i am two cm dilated, i also gradually lost the mucus plug.

I am having contractions very similar to period pains buit they go away and are very sporadic.

The community midwife want to induce me wich does make me panic as i hate hospitals and i have planned a home birth.

my question is:

Do i have to give birth in hospital if i am being induced?

Is there anything else i can do do get this labor started and established?


I am one week overdue and planning a home birth...?
i would say yes if your induced homebirth is out...sometimes complications can arise from inducing requiring a c-section, just play the waiting game baby will come when hes ready, dont jump to induction just yet, you still have another week before this really needs to be looked at

Please see this website if your haven't already, its brillant!
Reply:No you don't have to give birth in hospital if you're induced; however if the midwife feels there's risk to you or the baby; then take her advice!!! Hope it goes well
Reply:Hi, Have you tried a good soak in Lavender Oil? I started my first labour with this after midwives secretly told me to, they say a few drops but I put in loads. I thought it was a load of rubbish but at 2.00am i was in labour and had my first child at home. No harm in trying, it may work for you! Good luck.
Reply:A hospital birth would be advisable-if you are being induced-because they use a synthetic pitocin to stimulate contractions and get you into a good contracting pattern-they can also moniter the baby's heart-rate and see how he/she is tolerating labor. When labor actually begins is debateable-size of baby(uterus can only get so big), age of placenta, hormones, ect. I wish they would not give due dates but "due time" because 40 weeks plus or minus is app delivery time, unless other situations develope. This baby may be lying in your uterus differently -size-usually successive babies are larger. It depends on the condition of your cervix-soft and ripe, dilated or no, plus or minus station(floating or head down in the pelvis) there are so many variables and things can happen in a split second! for better or worse-you need to be in a hospital and now hospitals have a more home like atmosphere and really try to help parents have a more natural birth. Please-your midwife should have hosp priviledges!! for your sake and the baby and your other child!!!
Reply:you shouldn't drink raspberry leaf tea as that tightens your cervix not good if you want to go into labour
Reply:yes unfortuatly you do have to go into hospiatal if you are induced i was a week early with my son and i had to go into hospital to have him id have liked a water birth at home so i feel for you best of luck you could try a walk that might help
Reply:i thinhk u have tried everything to get ur self into labour, just relax im sure t willhappen soon, but im afriad u will have to go to the hospital to be induced, its not so bad honey,
Reply:Take a breath!

Now I was two weeks overdue and so was called in to be induced. Unfortunately you have to stay in hospital to be monitored so they can control the contractions. Especially if they break your waters, you are not allowed to go home, due to risk of infection.

Once you get to the hospital, you will have other things to think about and hopefull won't think about where you are.

Good luck xx

Try going for a walk at least it will get you out of the house.
Reply:You know the answer is to stop trying everything and let go of your anxiety about when labour is going to start!!! Plan something...anything...a day out perhaps, some 'you time'...plan to spend a whole day with your first child doing what they want as a way of treating them before the new baby comes. Do something, anything to HAVE FUN and take your mind off the baby. The body is a wonderful thing and won't allow labour to begin or to progress if you're too anxious. Anxiety means stress hormones which mean danger......which means your body will dely labour as long as possible.

Another thing, post dates babies are not at a hugely increased risk....and your baby isn't truly post dates until 42 weeks plus. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE INDUCED! Like any other medical procedure, induction is a choice even though it is rarely presented as one. Community midwives must attend you in labour whether you are 40 weeks or 44! (Yes, it has been known!) Weigh up the benefits against the risks, if you are so uncomfortable in hospitals are you really going to loosen up enough to birth there, espcially with interventions? Or is that a slippery slope to problems, stalled labour, failure to progress, section? Go with your instincts, they're the best weapon you have, if you're tuned in to your body and your baby you will know what to do. It's hard to fight for your rights at this stage of pregnancy, but you can do it!

And I reckon if you lose your anxiety about the place of birth and stop trying your labour will flow.

Good luck, let us know how it goes, this wonderful home birth of yours.

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