Wednesday, January 25, 2012

John Collier's Evening Primrose?

Hi, I've been taking a course called Dark and Supernatural Literature. Recently, I read John Collier's short story, "Evening Primrose". I was wondering was others thought about the story of people "living" in the department store.

Do you think that the people that "live" in the department store are alive like Charles? I'm not completely sure what I think.

What do you feel is the moral allegory that Collier is trying to convey?

I'd really appreciate some outside opinions. Thank you for your time.

John Collier's Evening Primrose?
Simple to utilise hyperlinks that will assist with all your research needs, try typing a keyword or two into the search engine and see what happens.

If this question comes up to the vote, then I beg you not to vote for me. I am not playing for points and I would rather not receive any points whatsoever.
Reply:Yes I believe the people in the department store are as alive as Anthony Perkins, a poet, who takes refuge from the world by hiding out in a department store.

He finds an entire community of night people who live in the store. I think Collier is saying the outside world is cruel and dangerous. You mentioned the name CHARLES, was that not from a television musical written by Stephen Sondheim that was based on the story in question?


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