Sunday, January 22, 2012

Are democrat voters gullible and easily lead down the primrose path?

Not to say anything against democrats, but it does seem like the democrats who run for president just tell the people what they wanna hear even though they have no intentions on actually fullfilling their promises

Are democrat voters gullible and easily lead down the primrose path?
They always have been, like the school children portrayed in Pin Floyd's "The Wall". No reason to think that they've changed.
Reply:I think this is true of all Americans.
Reply:I think all American voters are.
Reply:I think your talking about the Republicans in this question.

The chickenhawks are being lead by their evil shepard into the Valley of Darkness.
Reply:Yes, but not nearly as easiley as repugnant ones.
Reply:Sheep being led to the slaughter. All hail the taxman and off with their heads in the end.

Unfortunately they will drag those of us that think with our minds rather than our hearts down the primrose path also. I for one will be dragged kicking and screaming.
Reply:Not any more so than the Republicans....
Reply:Just as gullible and easily lead down the primrose path as Republicans.
Reply:Well if you are black and a Democrat, then yes.

Do you think for a minute that Queen Pelosi cares about the blacks in East Detroit, East St Louis, Watts or other black dominated ghettos.

NO she don't, but they will continue to vote for democrats as long as they promise to give them free Gubbmint Cheese.
Reply:They must be, or Hillary wouldn't be leading the pack in the upcoming primaries.
Reply:Have you been watching Ferris Bueller again? A classic!
Reply:No, we understand that our leaders are paving the way for a landslide next year. The people have spoken and because the Republicans in the Senate and the one in the White House are not cooperating voters will be reminded that those Republicans have gotten in the way of our government doing the will of the people and thus should be voted out of office. So we are thrilled by what is happening. Biding our time before the big one next year.

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